
Necromunda is a table top skirmish game by Games Workshop. It takes place on the hive world of Necromunda in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Rival gangs fight for dominance and for the right to survive.

Scenario Review: Urban Renewal

November 11, 2024
This scenario has so much potential. I’ll just start by saying that. The setting has the gangs in a dome of some type that is on the brink of collapse. The objective is to bring it down on the other gang. How cool!

But…the structure to bring it down has 10 wounds as Toughness 9! While you auto-hit the structure in close combat, you are typically wounding on 6s or maybe 5s. In addition, each time you successfully wound the structure, the ground quakes. All fighters must pass an initiative check or become pinned and take a S1 hit.

It’s a ton of game interruption for rolling dice, and while that can lead to some cool interactions with fighters falling, it takes time. If the structure falls it then starts to take fighters out of action in a 6” radius and expands every turn. Fighters are now supposed to escape by a board edge to seal the victory.

We didn’t get near that far. Between the all the pinning, falling and gangs beating up on each other, the structure was still well intact by the time the game was over. I think a good fix for this is to make the structure T6. As it stands, it’s just too hard to bring down. So in theory, it’s a great scenario but just hard to play it out in my opinion.

Fun Factor: C
Balance: B
Recommend: No (unless modified)

September 13, 2024
We recently played the scenario Fighter Down from the 2018 Rulebook. The stars aligned for House Van Saar who desperately needed a win. One issue with this scenario is the attacker has to place one of their crew 8” from the center of the board. This fighter can only crawl and can be taken out of action by the other gang. So you better get to them first!

It’s a scenario that forces you to be aggressive and can really be uneven for the attacker. Template weapons and blast weapons could make it really difficult to spend a double action moving your fighter back to your deployment edge.

In addition, reinforcements can come in on any board edge to really spice things up. While the attacker in our scenario came away with the win, I think a lot of it had to do with terrain and LoS. I would say normally, the Defenders have a pretty good advantage in this one.

Fun Factor: B
Balance: C
Recommend: Yes

Scenario Review: Fighter Down

Hive Secundus Review

September 5, 2024
I ordered Hive Secundus and received the product about a week after it launched. Upon opening the box, it was different than the smaller boxes I previously opened. The box itself, while beautiful, was flimsy. That only matters to someone like me that stores their terrain in sturdy boxes. This one, however, can be discarded without further thought. Read more

Scenario Review: Caravan Heist

August 3, 2024
The scenario caravan heist pits an attacking gang versus a defending gang. Crews are custom 10 and the attacker must get 10 loot tokens from the caravan. It’s no easy feat. Each turn the caravan moves 6” to the opposite board edge so you maybe get 5-8 turns. Looting is a simple action so it can be done twice, but if a fighter carrying loot is taken out, so is the loot!

From the attacking perspective, this becomes difficult. One, you’re trying to stay alive and two, getting and protecting loot. Now, this scenario is a ton of fun to play. Narratively, the cargo moving across the table really sets the stage. From a balance perspective, however, it’s certainly not the best.

Fun Factor: A
Balance: D
Recommend: Yes

Battle Reports

Necromunda Season 4: Ashes of Acropolis
Episodes: 23
Setting: Our largest campaign yet has 12 gangs fighting for Promethium, the fuel needed to power their adventures into the Ash Wastes.

Necromunda Season 3: Shadows of Primus
Episodes: 18
Setting: House Delaque makes their first appearance in an official Dominion campaign on hive Primus.

Necromunda Season 2: Battle for Arcos
Episodes: 12
Setting: House Escher and House Goliath show up in a full campaign as gangs attempt to keep the seals of Arcos intact from the toxic wastes outside.

Necromunda Season 1: Battle for Arcos
Episodes: 8
Setting: We start our journey with learning Necromunda as we bring the Dark Rising box to life.